Description of the event

A taste of the Czech-German pre-Christmas atmosphere of years gone by, or Back to where for generations Czechs and Germans have experienced the festive moments of Advent together.

3 p.m. - Petr Louda will talk about the (long) forgotten times of the past and the happy coexistence of Czechs and Germans in Jablonec in the run-up to Christmas.

5 p.m. - the traditional lighting of the live Christmas tree in Rýnovice will be accompanied by angelic performances by musicians, singers and dancers and an angelic procession.

Angel masks will be angelically rewarded.
You can also decorate the Christmas tree with a hand-made and brought angel.

The whole event will be completed by a small angel fair (angel gingerbread, angel sweets, sweet and salty angel snacks, angel drinks, angels from Jablonec jewelry, glass angels, wooden angels, beaded angels, angel ceramics, angel jewelry, angel puppets).

In cooperation with the House of Czech-German Understanding, and the District Chamber of Commerce in Jablonec nad Nisou,

Event organizer

  • Okresní hospodářská komora v Jablonci nad Nisou
  • IČO: 49101943


365 Jablonec


  • Kultura Jablonec, p.o.
    Jiráskova 4898/9, 46601
    Jablonec nad Nisou
  • IČO: 09555340DIČ: CZ09555340

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