- Events in Jablonec
- Game - Filip and Lili Kazda
Until 24. 4. 2025
Game - Filip and Lili Kazda
- Free of charge
- po0:00 – 23:59
- út0:00 – 23:59
- st0:00 – 23:59
- čt0:00 – 23:59
- pá0:00 – 23:59
- so0:00 – 23:59
- ne0:00 – 23:59
- https://ahojnazdarcau.cz/

Description of the event
The arrival of my daughter Lili is accompanied by a change in my artistic expression and thinking, she was born into the world of color experiments and abstract paintings, into the world of exhibitions and installations.
Lili very early began to get involved in this world of mine, and so our game began. Lili appears in my paintings, creates her own, and together we build paintings where anything is possible.
Years later, I received an offer to exhibit at the Ahoj Nazdar Čau gallery, and since Lili belongs to Jablonec after her mother, I asked for the opportunity to exhibit there with her. We would like to dedicate this exhibition to this beautiful and significant place and city for us.
Filip Kazda (1978)
Artist, designer, founder and chief curator of HYB4GALERIE in Kampus Hybernská, Prague 1.
Lili Kazda (2021)
A beautiful and healthy child with a permanent residence in Jablonec nad Nisou.
Event organizer
- spolek Galerie Ahoj Nazdar Čau
- IČO: 01796844