House of Jana and Josef V. Scheybal

Open gallery
Open gallery
Open gallery

House of Jana and Josef V. Scheybal

Kostelní 1/6, 46601 Jablonec nad Nisou

Description of the place

The house (originally a rectory belonging to St. Anne's Church) is named after the former owners, the ethnographers Jana and Josef V. Scheybal. After their death, the town renovated the house and turned it into a multi-purpose cultural and information centre. On the ground floor there is a tourist information centre, on the 1st floor the Municipal Gallery MY and in the attic an exhibition space.
The Tourist Information Centre (TIC) in Jablonec nad Nisou offers visitors and local citizens services and complete tourist information about the town, the region and the Jizera Mountains.

These opening hours refer to the tourist information centre. Other areas of the House are open according to current exhibitions.

Until 5. 4

Irregular opening hours


  • House of Jana and Josef V. Scheybal

  • Admission is voluntary

Cesta do tvořivé mysli renesančního génia Leonarda da Vinciho

Until 5. 4

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Until 5. 4

Irregular opening hours


  • House of Jana and Josef V. Scheybal

  • Admission is voluntary

Cesta do tvořivé mysli renesančního génia Leonarda da Vinciho

Until 5. 4

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365 Jablonec


  • Kultura Jablonec, p.o.
    Jiráskova 4898/9, 46601
    Jablonec nad Nisou
  • IČO: 09555340DIČ: CZ09555340

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