Summer scene of Eurocentre

Open gallery

Summer scene of Eurocentre

Jiráskova 4898/9, 46601 Jablonec nad Nisou

Description of the place

An amphitheatre in the centre of the city, yet in the greenery creating a pleasant climate. It is part of the Eurocentre complex - located near the Junior cinema, Hall A and the halls. It is also connected to the restaurant, which offers seating with a view directly onto the Summer Stage. It can accommodate over a thousand spectators - 340 seats are on benches, while a freer form allows for seating in the grass.

Fr 30. 5.

18:00 22:00

DanGar Six - launch party for 3rd CD, guest Seven

  • Summer scene of Eurocentre

  • 300 CZK

Local HardAndHeavy band DanGar Six comes with launch party for their 3rd CD

Fr 30. 5.

Go to event detail

12. 6 14. 6

Irregular opening hours

Mezinárodní folklorní festival

  • Summer scene of Eurocentre

  • Free of charge

Tradiční mezinárodní folklorní festival v Jablonci nad Nisou

12. 6 14. 6

Go to event detail

Fr 30. 5.

18:00 22:00

DanGar Six - launch party for 3rd CD, guest Seven

  • Summer scene of Eurocentre

  • 300 CZK

Local HardAndHeavy band DanGar Six comes with launch party for their 3rd CD

Fr 30. 5.

Go to event detail

12. 6 14. 6

Irregular opening hours

Mezinárodní folklorní festival

  • Summer scene of Eurocentre

  • Free of charge

Tradiční mezinárodní folklorní festival v Jablonci nad Nisou

12. 6 14. 6

Go to event detail
365 Jablonec


  • Kultura Jablonec, p.o.
    Jiráskova 4898/9, 46601
    Jablonec nad Nisou
  • IČO: 09555340DIČ: CZ09555340

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